Our Technology
Smart Filters & Tagging
Smart Filters
We believe in giving our users the freedom in finding and organizing their data. Our Smart Filters feature is an intelligent layer that’s been added to the photo discovery tool. It’s designed to help users accelerate their workflow by pinpointing any media file in seconds.
How it works? Once an image is uploaded, the technology will analyze the content, giving users the freedom to search by quality, camera type, location, date, size and footage length. They can even search by dominant colour in photographs.

Effective data management can dramatically change how businesses use and access information. This forward-thinking approach is the reason why we introduced a tagging feature.
Got a number of files that belong to one project? Rather than putting your memory to the test, categorize them by adding one or several tags.
So whether you’re a doctor, lawyer or a mortgage advisor, you can take an intelligent approach to file management.