Trusted by Millions of Users Globally
Why Choose Genie9
Global Reach in 150+ Countries
Trusted by Millions Worldwide
Over 25 Petabytes of Data Protected
15+ Years of Industry Leadership
Our Solutions
For Service Providers
Top-Tier Security with Military-Grade Encryption
- 256-AES Encryption: Military-grade protection for your data.
- AWS Partner: Leveraging AWS for top-notch security.
- Compliance: Meets strict security standards and regulations.
Amazon Web Services AWS Advanced Technology Partner
Reliable data storage that resides on the ultra-secure AWS infrastructure, with multi-faceted backup, including efficient duplication and redundancy to ensure on-demand data availability. This means smooth operation, with minimum performance impact on end users.
GDPR Universal Compliance
Strict adherence to General Data Protection Compliance (GDPR) regulations and requirement, so there’s no need to choose between staying GDPR-compliant and using the Cloud; Zoolz lets you do both. Also compliant with HIPAA and various other certifications, laws, privacy acts, and frameworks.